Reza Social Token


REZA Token is the social currency of the Balaibalan Realm. It provides a method to reward citizens for their contributions to the Realm and a way to recognize individuals for their achievements.The Realm cannot function without the collective effort of individual citizens. While we are all here for different reasons, what we all have in common is a clear understanding that this space attracts a select group of people who are hard to find on a random basis.It is highly unlikely that we would have met each other in a different setting. Even if by happenstance we did meet elsewhere we would not connect the way we do here because our environment has a major impact on how we interact with one another.I have personally witnessed the gradual evolution and blossoming of individuals within this space. People I had known before the Realm was created, after joining the Realm have found their voice, raised their self confidence, regained their self esteem, become valuable members of various communities and social groups within this world, and consequently are enjoying life more than ever.Most people don't know what is possible if they have never experienced it before. When I first began my own journey by producing a small event back in 2016, I did not know how many others shared my need for something different, something beautiful, elegant and artistic fueled by our sexual energy.Although sexual energy permeates every aspect of our daily life, we have been conditioned to deny or ignore its existence. Being open and honest about your sexuality is frowned upon.Before 2016 the only option for exploring your curiosities and desires was to visit Lifestyle or BDSM clubs that only catered to a niche clientele. Oddly, unashamed embracement of sexuality and elegance were considered incompatible. A black tie event that allowed participants to defy social norms was unthinkable. What they didn't realize was that mixing conventional customs (tuxedos, evening gowns, etc.) with rebellious behavior produces magical euphoria.In the Realm, we aim to reconcile many cultural contradictions. We question nonsensical beliefs and challenge idiotic rules. We demand a certain mindset in order to be accepted as a community member. People often comment on how safe and welcomed they feel when they attend an event, they mention how people they have never met treat them as if they have been friends for years.This sense of community, kindness and respect for others requires cultivation. To achieve the desired mindset you need to stop focusing on your own ego and self interest by trusting the process and surrendering to the experience.The hoops you need to jump through to attend an event may appear unnecessary and arbitrary. But they are in place for a reason. Following the requirements exactly as defined indicates trust in the process and displays your willingness to surrender. Each hurdle you overcome is a symbolic milestone that shows your level of commitment to get in the desired mindset.We value contribution and recognize people for protecting the health and growth of the Realm more than their net worth. Anyone can get lucky and end up wealthier than others in their social circle. But there are some things you can't buy with money and one is social currency.You can't buy our social tokens. You have to earn them. For now, I am implementing a simple system for you to earn social tokens and be able to utilize them in a meaningful fashion. I am certain that new ideas will present themselves continuously and we will embrace them if they feel right.As my friend, The Allen, keeps saying, this is not a business, it is a giant art project, and we are all participant artists. It is also a social experiment to better understand the apparent disconnect between societal and individual attitudes towards human sexuality, and the role deviant behavior plays in asserting moral autonomy and agency.I encourage you to share your ideas for improving the Realm experience. Innovation is the driving force behind every project I undertake and when more minds are involved, more innovative creations become possible.


How To Earn REZA Tokens

Have your original article published in our newsletter
= 500 $REZA

Attend a private event
= 1500 $REZA

Does not apply when tokens or discounts are used to purchase tickets

Attend a public event
= 500 $REZA

Win an official Realm contest
= 1000-5000 $REZA

Organize & manage an unsealed event
= 500 $REZA

*Organize & manage a contest
= 500 $REZA

Have your original art used for promoting the Realm
= 500 $REZA

* To qualify the event must have a minimum of 25 people in attendance.* To qualify the contest must have a minimum of 10 registered participants.

Token Utility


All stated objectives are subject to change without notice. This announcement is made by Balaibalan LLC and is not intended to induce the formation of a binding contract with any party.

If you have chosen to pay 50% of the cost of your ticket with $REZA please purchase a Reza NFT with your $REZA tokens and pay the balance by credit card.